Cultivate & Motivate
Upcycle: A Vulnerable Life
This sermon was delivered in Pittsboro, NC at the request of The Local Church PBO as part of their series, “Upcycle: How God Takes Our Junk and Makes it Better.”
The One Thing Necessary.
While Jesus and his disciples were traveling, Jesus entered a village where a woman named Martha welcomed him as a guest. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his message.
Peace Be With You.
How many of you have read the news over the last week? “Churches Bombed and Burned,” “Asylum Seekers Shunned At Borders,” “Black Teen Brutally Beaten By Police.” It is the days after Easter. The time when we celebrate Christ’s rising from the dead, yet these are the messages that populate our feeds. Stories of ashes and grief; of pain, suffering, and loss. These are still the stories of Lent. Like me, you may be asking where is the hope? The new life? The risen Christ we were promised?
The Call of Christ
Have you ever felt like you gave everything you had to a purpose or project and did not receive the outcome you hoped for or dreamed? How did this make you feel? Were you sad, mad, disappointed, or frustrated?